Grace is supernatural empowerment that helps you function in a God-class manner.
The grace of God is multi-dimensional. It takes the manifestation of all graces to abound in every good work. 1 Peter 5:10, 1 Peter 4:10, 2 Corinthians 9:8, 2 Corinthians 8:7.
There are 2 major categories of grace, i.e. grace of God expressed in 2 major dimensions.
- Saving grace is the grace that is released upon an unbeliever granting him access to believe and receive Christ at the point of salvation.
- The enabling grace: is the supernatural empowerment of the Spirit. This grace comes upon ordinary men, and they cease to be ordinary. 2 Corinthians 12:8–9, Philippians 4:13, 2 Corinthians 3:5.
Every result you desire and every aspect of human living, you need the grace of God. The grace of Favour will not automatically heal the sick, reason why you need the manifold grace. You cannot produce God’s results to His satisfaction in the strength of the flesh. It is important to know what you receive and how to activate it, the knowledge component.
If grace is really the secret, why go for knowledge? 2 Peter 1:2–4. The enabling grace is broken into various kinds and levels. Every possibility/outcome in the kingdom is grace or empowerment dependent. For every grace you receive, you must also understand the working dynamics, how the grace is released, and it operates.
- Contend for high level of spiritual illumination: knowledge is important. War in that grace by contending for light. You can receive impartation that will not be impactful because there is no light to multiply the grace. The grace upon you will only speak by light. Every time you receive grace, go and sit down, search, war and learn to activate the grace. No matter what grace you receive, contend for light because it is light dependent. Nothing is done without scriptures.
If you are not working it, don’t doubt the people that do. Results only happen by light. Be a student of scriptures, support your impartation with scriptures. everything that is not working in your life is because the grace for it is not there or activated. Anything not working can work if you want it.
Grace will be activated and multiplied through light. Your respect for light determines the level of grace that works for you. Wake up to make your destiny happen. Nobody is born with knowledge; it is acquired by passion and pursuit.
2. Investment of quality time praying in the Spirit: not just speaking scriptures, but also praying Spirit. Submit yourself to prayer. If it is the power of God that you desire, wake up in the night and pray. There is an activation that happens as you pray. Every time you pray, see yourself signing register in the Spirit. Any grace you carry; Favour, wealth and abundance, influence, signs and wonders, realms of possibilities, gifts of nations, is prayer dependent. Consistently pray and travail.
3. Impartation from the stewards that carry the grace: proven stewards of the grace that you hunger and thirst for. Receiving anointing/Impartation is through transference from man to man. Philippians 1:7
A man can drink from the grace God has given another. The grace is inexhaustible, so far you keep the principles that multiply that grace. The greatest hindrance from receiving impartation is the heart condition of the receiver, more importantly dishonor.
There are rules to drawing grace for people. Among them is why do you want the grace? What is your motive? Is it for you or to glorify God?
Ask the Lord to purify your motive. Honour the vessel that carry the grace.
Invest the grace you carry on others, at least 12 people.
Trust God that the grace upon you speak to the needs of the society.
Lord, help me conquer dishonor and purify my heart.