Faith does not negate the current state of things, reality of what is on ground. Acknowledging the situation is not enough, the miracle begins when you partner with God. The most component when you stand before situations is whatever He tells you to do, do! Obedience! It is only when your obedience is complete that the miracle happens. Stay till His word comes and then, obey.
There are three seasons as long as your faith adventure is concerned.
These seasons are time dependent.
1. Season of Preparation: nobody becomes mighty by default. There are 5 things expected here:
a. You must discover God. It is the moment of encounter. Gen 1:1 In the beginning, God. It affirms the purity of your desires. Genuine search for God not things.
Isa 6:1 Something must die for you to see God. There is a time frame to pursue God and seek Him sincerely. The seed for finding God is time. You have to sow the seed of time. Build capacity.
b. You not only discover God, but you also discover yourself. When you know God, you know yourself and will give you confidence. Exodus 4:1–12 Who are you? What did Go make out of your life
Knowing you were sent from God gives you courage and advantage. There is abundance that follows being sent, abundance of grace. You are sent. It is powerful to know who you are. No matter your background, you are sent from God. Jer 1:5–8
c. You must discover your giftings and ability especially through service. Do not begin your journey of destiny if you do not know what is in your hands. Exodus 4:2,17. If you can’t lay down your rod to serve God, it won’t be used for signs and wonders. Worship God with everything that is an advantage in your life e.g. singing, first class etc. Your rod is what designs your relevance when you stad before Pharaoh.
Use your gifts for God. Everything God has given you mut serve Him first before it can serve the nations. Write down everything that is an advantage in your life. Those are your rods. Philemon 1:6. Acknowledge all the good things in you.
d. You discover and receive your assignment during this period of preparations. You must trust God for grace to find your place in destiny Genesis 37: 3–11. Be careful when you had the same dream again. Destiny is becalling.
e. You build capacity and prepare for destiny. Time to pray, fast, learn scriptures, discipline yourself, read, invest in knowledge, borrow vessels, refine your gifts, stretch yourself to your limits. Remember: rain that fell for 40 days had an ark that took 100 years to build.
2. The Season of Testing and Pruning: this is where God will test you, check the purity of your heart, and purify your motive. 1 Samuel 17:33–37. Anytime your spiritual experience starts humiliating you, you are in the season of testing. Beware of offence when the anointing starts speaking. If you are too big to be tested and proven, then you are too small for God to use. Deuteronomy 8;13–18. Those who walk with God, God immortalizes their impacts.
Every time God demands something He gave you, it’s because He wants to do something with it.
- Beware of judging people because you do not know the season they are in.
- Learn to live in the silence of God.
- When God is silent, know what He is saying because the silence of God is a language.
- Delayed obedience is like disobedience.
- Anytime you do not understand your situation, verify if God is there. If He is there, find rest.
- You can fail alone, but you and God can never fail together.
- Nobody comes out of nowhere. If you are approved by God indeed, there must be track record.
You want God to bless you with the resources of nations, please think again. The season of pruning is when you stand alone and prove God’s faithfulness.
3. The Season of Appearance and Manifestation: there is a period of manifestation, the season of showing forth. Luke 1:80. Doors begin to open that you can’t control. Territories begin to open up. John 2:3–4, Acts 6:3–4. The season of manifestation can be tiring because there will be a great demand on your grace. Your spiritual life if care is not taken will start going down because of the demand. You have to make conscious effort by making deliberate plan for spiritual growth, retreat, reading, fasting, praying etc.
There are 2 things to do at this season;
- Build a system for your continuous spiritual growth; fast, pray, retreat.
- Raise men: do not focus on enjoying your victories alone, raise men. 2 Timothy 2:2. They preserve your legacy. Think generational. Don’t celebrate today more than necessary. Focus on tomorrow. The secret of sustainable impact is not to be impactful yourself but to raise men. The men that you raise will protect your focus. Settle down and raise people. Mentor people methodically. When you raise men, the men will raise structures.