Favour is a grace that is multi-dimensional. It is divine help, divine assistance, God in partnership with men providing help and assistance to your life and destiny. It is when God raises men to invest their time, their resources, and their credibility for you. Dedicated investment of their time and resources, all for you. Favour is the No 1 reason why people succeed in the kingdom of God. Favour with God and man; heavenly encounters, angelic visitations. Exodus 3:21, Exodus 11:3, Luke 2:52.
Favour is merited Proverbs 13:15. Every testimony of victory and success in God’s kingdom is connected to favour. All blessings come from God through men to men. You need favour to achieve your goals and fulfil your divine destiny in Christ. One person can be used by God to open multiple opportunities for you.
1. HONOUR: favour is honour. Honour is a key to access. Honour is the discerning, celebrating and rewarding of men for their distinct and unique differences. Honour is a stream of income that doesn’t need capital to start. Real honour starts with discernment.
The expression of honour is gratitude. Always say thank you. Helpers are human conduits that partner with God for your lifting. Honour is magnetic, it keeps helpers within your vicinity. It keeps doors open. Everybody you see is multi-dimensional, the dimension you honour is the dimension that is delivered to you. You can’t expect favour from someone you don’t honour.
2. VALUE: measures your usefulness through your ability to solve problems and provide solutions. To have the capacity to provide solutions that are needed and useful. You have to be exceptionally valuable. You know you are valuable by the inconvenience people can make to contact you. If people have excuses to see you, as far as convenience is concerned, then you are not valuable enough.
Focus on developing yourself more than anything. Your becoming is more than doing. Your evolution, growth, and better version, are more important than your doing. Train yourself to be effective, and have superior content, and relevance. If you aren’t serving kings, you are not there yet.
3. RELATIONSHIPS: everything becomes fruitful based on relationships. Relationships are advantageous connections. People invest time in relationships. You are as powerful as the men God puts in your life to support you. Men are the prophetic midwives that help you attain destiny. Adaptation is a proof of honour. Have and develop strategic relationships. Use your liftings and rising as leverage to build relationships. It will keep you afloat. Your relationships with strategic helpers, and economically empowered people. Those who are still rising are more powerful than those who have risen. Don’t look for wealthy and blessed people alone, show honour to ALL men. relationship is an investment, don’t expect returns if you did not invest.
Don’t allow circumstances to choose your relationships, allow the Holy Spirit in partnership with your mind and wise choices. Be intentional.
4. PRAYER: you can provoke favour through prayer. You can pray for favour. Everything has riches in it. Favour brings it out. Favour comes from God but only comes through men. Minimize knocking on men’s doors and ask God to do the knocking for you.
5. THE ESTHER ANOINTING (IMPARTATION): The Holy Spirit can search the hearts of your destiny helpers. He knows what they want. The proof of favour is the loyalty of men towards you and your destiny, access to systems and structures. You need the grace and anointing impartation for favour.