To be a co-labourer with God means that every individual has a vital role to play in fulfilling their destiny and advancing the kingdom of God. God depends on us having this consciousness. We have a responsibility to become the best version of ourselves, positively impact the world, and be a strong influencer for God and humanity. It’s not solely up to us, but we must work together with God to make things happen.
In God’s program, we are co-labourers, and our role is crucial in making destiny fulfillment and kingdom advancement a reality. We will be rewarded according to our labor. As co-labourers, we are God’s investment, and He watches over us and has His heart set on us.
There are two ways to describe believers: by their spiritual identity in Christ and by their function (e.g., light, salt, witness, ambassador, king, priest). God made us in His image (identity) and likeness (function). We must not only be conscious of our identity in Christ but also recognize the responsibility that comes with it.
Every activity on earth is dependent on humans. God and Satan both require humans to carry out their programs on earth. God determines the role we will play, and we must accept it and engage with Him. The prophecies of God upon our lives and families will remain unfulfilled until we become co-labourers to bring them to pass.
The question is, “Where are you?” in God’s program? Where are you when there is darkness in your family or surroundings? Where are you in your assignment? The answer is, “Here am I, send me.”
To be a co-labourer with God, we must have the right consciousness and willingness to engage with Him. There are three dimensions of laboring with God:
1. Labour in Prayer and Intercession: Engage in prayer and intercession, establishing victory over demonic forces, empowering vessels, and accessing the hearts of men who can help.
2. Labour of Active Service: Engage in active service in ministry, business, governance, etc. Pray for the rise of many other labourers to share the load.
3. Labour of Providing Help: Provide help in all ramifications (finances, access, physical presence, etc.) to make God’s program easier.
Remember, we are God’s investment, and He expects returns from His investments. Let’s take responsibility, partner with Him, and make our lives count.