2 things help me improve in life (LifeJourneySeries)
Learning a new skill? Want to get a job? Dream house? Or a scholarship? Trying to relocate and break new grounds? Want to start a business or scale an exisiting one?
Facing and receiving all kinds of rejections? (The many rejections I have personally received in life ehh, hmmm. I will keep applying and forging ahead though 😃😃)
2 things help me improve in life and these are;
Persistence and commitment.
I have discovered that in every adventure I apply these 2 elements, it always breakthrough at some point.
And any goal where I give in to the early frustrations, failures and struggles remains a pipedream.
For example, learning to code (that’s why I respect coders)
I wish I could say it is easy to be persistent and committed. No, it’s not. I know because I have been there and still there.
The question is how do you sustain persistence and commitment?
- Decide how important what you want is to you.
Is it an option or an obligation? Is it worth the price you are paying? - Focus on the big picture. Envision what success will look like. Let that mental picture keep you going.
- Keep a positive mental attitude. Be optimistic.
It is not easy but it's not meant to be easy 😜
No matter what life throws at you, and despite your world feeling like it's coming crashing down, you show up. You do the work.
Most successes are not a result of casual preparations, but a result of premeditated, planned and consistent actions.
How much persistence and commitment are you prepared to put in to ensure a fail-proof future?
Remember: 90% never start.
9% give up too soon.
1% stick with it and win.
Stick with it and win!